A kind word goes a long way

Be Part of Our Positive Recognition Campaign 
and Make a Difference in the Life of a Young Person

Encouragement and praise helps parents and teachers to be more positive, promote cooperation and reduces conflict. The first step in learning to positively support your child or student’s behavior is to learn to encourage the behavior you want to see. Supporting your child or student’s behavior involves encouragement and praise. Here are 15 ways to positively recognize youth: 

15 Ways to Positively Encourage and Recognize Youth 

  1. Make eye contact and say “Good Morning” or “Hello” 
  2. Ask them how they are doing 
  3. Make time for them each day 
  4. Ask them to share their opinions with you 
  5. Listen to what they have to say 
  6. Catch them doing something positive and acknowledge them for it 
  7. Say “Thank You” 
  8. Hang up their school work and/or awards 
  9. Tell them that you’re proud of them 
  10. Acknowledge them for trying something new 
  11. Remind them of their strengths 
  12. Remind them of past successes 
  13. Acknowledge individual progress and improvement 
  14. Let them know that you are thinking about them when you can’t be with them 
  15. Give praise in a way that’s comfortable for you. Sample praise statements: “I like the way you…” “You did a nice job…” “Thank you for…” “I appreciate it when you…” “I’m very proud of you for…” “You have improved in…” 

Find your own words of encouragement. Add to the list! 

Mother and Baby.jpg

Use these free posters to encourage positive recognition wherever you are!

Tell me you're proud of me

Dime que estás orgulloso de mí

Listen to what I have to say

Eschucha a lo que tengo que decir

(Print on 11x17" paper or contact us to have posters mailed to you).