Application for Grant Workshop Assistance

This is a needs-based financial assistance program for individuals who are interested in attending the grantwriting workshop on February 12 and 13th, 2021 and because of financial hardship, reduce in employment, etc., require assistance to waive the deposit requirement.

By requesting this assistance, if you are awarded you are also agreeing that you are committed to attending both days and that if for some reason you are unable to do so that it could affect future waiver or financial support opportunities.

  • For individuals who are interested in attending both days of the virtual mini grant workshop.

  • ($25 maximum award per person), because this is financial assistance this award will not be refunded to the individual.

  • Awards will be granted upon evaluation from our organization on a first-come, first-served basis

  • Assistance will be rewarded until Friday, February 5, 2021.

  • Applicants must be affiliated with the Montbello community in one of the following ways: Live in Montbello, Work in Montbello, Attend School or Worship in Montbello.

  • Applying for the Grant Workshop Assistance does not guarantee that anyone will receive the 2021 mini grant. All interested parties must submit an RFP if interested in applying for the grant.

Please complete the following form. All fields with an * are required.

All applicants will be notified about the waiver decision via email by Steps To Success Montbello, so please make sure that your email address is accurate.

If you have any questions about the Financial Assistance Program, Grant Workshop or Mini Grant process, please contact Angelia Baker at